Everything you need to know about sourdough: FAQs, recipe and tools

I absolutely love sourdough (hence why my blog is called Bread Therapy Mama). I used to be intimidated by making sourdough because I was told it was “hard”. I am by no means an amazing cook, so trust me when I say that sourdough is not that hard to make- it just takes a little bit of time. And the best part- to make plain sourdough bread, the only ingredients you need are flour, salt and water!

Wait, I thought you were gluten-free? Yes, I do have a gluten intolerance! But I am actually able to eat sourdough with no issue! Why is this? Sourdough is a low-gluten bread because of the fermentation process. If you have a gluten sensitivity, you might be able to tolerate sourdough like me. But of course, if you have celiac disease or a serious gluten allergy, then I wouldn’t recommend experimenting. If you have any questions, ask your doctor before diving in!

What is the difference between sourdough and other breads? The main difference is the rising agent used. Regular bread uses yeast and sourdough uses a starter. Using yeast is a faster process than using sourdough starter, which is why sourdough requires time and patience!

Why should I make sourdough bread? Oh my goodness… so many reasons. First off, sourdough bread is a fermented food so it is great for your gut health! Sourdough bread also has more nutrients and minerals than other breads. Making sourdough has become a normal part of my week, and I will probably never buy bread again! Homemade bread tastes better than store bought bread, and doesn’t have any unnecessary additives, preservatives or sugar!

Isn’t bread unhealthy? Bread has been demonized for years. Diet culture has wrongly informed us that bread causes weight gain, and you have to cut it out if you want to lose weight. WRONG. Bread is not the enemy. Bread is carb-dense food, and carbs are the body’s main source of energy. Too much of anything isn’t good, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy bread! Unfortunately, so many store bought breads have extra ingredients, like sugar, that negatively impact our health. This is another reason why I recommend making your own bread- you can control what goes in it!

What do I need to get started? First off, you need a starter! Sourdough starter is the most important ingredient! You can make it, get some from a fellow sourdough baker, or buy it online. I recommend Farm Dream sourdough starter!

Then you’ll need flour (I recommend organic and unbleached), a big bowl, proofing baskets, bread bowl covers (or you can use kitchen towels), parchment paper and a Dutch oven! Everything else you don’t NEED, but I do recommend having a bench scraper, dough whisk, and a lame. If you want a reusable option instead of parchment paper, use these silicon baking mats. This is my favorite starter bundle from Amazon!

Ready to get baking? Below I have linked my favorite sourdough recipe. This is the recipe that taught me how to make sourdough, and I still use it all the time! Shout out to Claire Fagin for making the best Youtube tutorial for sourdough.

Photo by Claire Fagin

Sourdough bread recipe: Farm Dream Sourdough Bread Recipe by Claire Fagin

Written recipe HERE

Youtube video HERE

Have any recipe requests? Send me a DM on Instagram or shoot me an email!

Want to know more about sourdough? Listen to my Sourdough Baking 101 podcast episode on The Bread Therapy Mama Podcast!


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